How Do I Prevent Blisters? Pumping with Blisters on Your Penis

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An unfortunate occurrence of penis pumping at high pressures is the formation of blisters on your penile shaft.

The blisters normally appear on the head of the penis as that's where more of the pressure is focused during a high-intensity pumping session.

In addition to stopping your penis pumping sessions, the appearance of blisters on your penis head may also look aesthetically unappealing and may cause issues with your romantic partner.

So how do you deal with blisters after they've occurred and how do you prevent them from occurring in the first place?

How to Prevent Blisters from Occurring

The main way to prevent blisters from popping up during a pumping session is to pump at safe pressure levels.

While every penis is different and responds differently to various pressure levels, if you limit your pumping pressure to 6 inHg or 20 kPa, then you will generally be in the safe zone and not put yourself at risk for blisters. Of course, there is still the possibility that at 6 inHg or 20 kPa you will still get blisters, so make sure to monitor your own comfort level and the appearance of your penis.

Use this chart to convert inHg to kPa here.

Another great way to prevent blisters is to wear a glans cap or athletic wrap. Placing a glans cap over your penis head or wrapping the top of your penile shaft with athletic wrap tape, will help cover and protect those areas from the direct pressure of the pump. While some pressure will still be applied to the covered or wrapped areas of the penis, it will help reduce the intensity of the pressure and create a physical barrier between the air pressure and the skin of the penis.

Shop and learn more about our preferred athletic wrap here: Penis Pumping Athletic Wrap Bandage Tape

What To Do When You Get a Blister

When you get a blister during a pumping routine, you should suspend the current session, and tend to your blister.

The recommendation is to leave the blister intact since it has formed as a protective bubble to shield the underlying skin and help it heal.

However, most people will pop a blister if it gets too large or if it looks like it will pop soon anyway.

Make sure to sterilize a needle or pin before popping it, and gently puncture the edge of the blister, trying to not create a large hole. This is so that you can keep as much of the blister as possible to still cover the underlying skin, even if it's popped.

Regardless of whether you leave it in tact, you pop it, or it bursts on its own, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the area with soap and water
  2. Cover the area with bandage or gauze pad, and apply some antibacterial ointment or bacitracin to the blister area

As the blister area starts to heal well, you can also let it air out and not cover it with a bandage all the time to enhance the healing.

As the redness starts to fade, you can also apply lotion to hydrate the skin and provide minerals to the area.

Can You Still Pump When You Get a Blister?

Yes, you can still pump when you get a blister but additional measures need to be taken.

If you've popped the blister or it has broken on its own, make sure to perform the steps above to clean the area and start the healing process.

You should also give the blister a couple of days to start healing before pumping again, but you can still continue pumping when the blister hasn't fully healed yet.

Simply follow the same advice above and wrap the top of your penile shape with athletic wrap tape or cover it with a glans cap to continue pumping.

Additionally, while your blister heals, make sure to pump at lower-than-normal pressure levels to not exacerbate the blister's healing.

Make sure to use a penis pump with an accurate pressure gauge to limit the pumping session intensity.

Final Thoughts About Blisters While Pumping

Seeing a blister appear on the head of your penis for the first time can be an alarming and disheartening experience.

The raised squishy bubble of skin looks sensitive and injured. However, it's actually a good sign that a blister formed there as this is your body's way of telling you that it was pushed beyond its acceptable limit. And if a blister didn't form there, the damage and pain that would've occurred to the skin, would've been much worse than a blister.

It's a sign that you need to scale back your pressure level and/or frequency of pumping sessions to safely use the device.

While part of penis pumping is the concept of pushing us to and slightly over our limits, we need to do so methodically and safely.

Because one of the worst impediments to progress is an injury that could sideline you for weeks or even months.

Remember that penis pumping is a marathon and not a sprint, and in the long run our safety and comfort is what matters most.