Penis pumping is a very personal and private activity.
Many men start their penis enlargement journeys because they feel inadequate, and having other people discover these deep insecurities can be very embarrassing and shameful.
Whether you are suffering from erectile dysfunction or want a larger penis, many men fear that they will be judged or ridiculed if their pumping equipment is discovered.
In this article we will help you find various ways to store and hide your penis pump so your parents, roommates, children, or partners won't be able to find them.
Lockable Box
The best place to store and hide your penis pump is in a lockable box that is secured by a locked lock.
We store and hide our penis pumps in a lockable tool box that you can purchase from any hardware store like Home Depot or Lowes, and also on our website. Here are some links to purchase lockable tool boxes:
Browse Home Depot Lockable Tool Boxes here
Shop Lowe's Lockable Tool Boxes here
Buy PPOnline's Lockable Tool Box here
A lockable tool box for hand tools like screwdrivers and hammers is generally the perfect size to fit a standard penis pump plus any accessories like sleeves, rubber bands, and spare parts.
A lockable tool box is also inconspicuous if you store it in a place with other tools and equipment like a closet, garage or even under the bathroom sink.
And a lock will ensure that nosy girlfriends or curious children won't be able to access it.
Desk or Filing Cabinet with Locking Drawers
If you have a home office or work from home, you may be in luck if you have a desk or filing cabinet with lockable drawers.
If you have a home office, you may already be performing your pumping session there, and utilizing a built-in lockable storage area may be very convenient and accessible for you.
Some desks have one drawer or a whole stack of drawers that are lockable in order to keep personal belongings and sensitive files secure and confidential when the person is away from their desk. Many filing cabinets also come furnished with a built in lock for the same purposes.
Storing your penis pumping equipment in the lockable areas of your home office will be convenient if you already pump in there, and it will be very unassuming since you aren't adding any new furniture to the space. Always remember to keep your keys in a safe place.
Tucked Under Your Bed
If you live alone and don't have to worry about kids, parents, roommates or girlfriends snooping around, storing your penis pump under your bed is normally sufficient for storing and keeping it out of plain view. You can keep it in a plastic storage container, and if you want even more privacy, you can opt for a dark color or opaque storage container so the contents cannot be seen from the outside.
However, if you eventually get a girlfriend who stays over often, or if you move in with roommates, you might want to upgrade to a lockable box.
In The Cabinet Underneath Your Bathroom Sink
This is where most of us store our water penis pumps - in a waterproof bag or box underneath the bathroom sink.
Water penis pumps don't take up much space, and storing them in the bathroom where most of us use them just makes sense.
In a sea of shower products, cleaning supplies, and toilet paper rolls, a lockable box will not be too conspicuous and draw the attention of a significant other.
If they ask, you can simply tell them it's a power drill or electric screwdriver for the sink.
Final Thoughts on Storing and Hiding Your Penis Pump
Many wives and girlfriends know about their husband or boyfriend's penis pumping activities, and actively support it, as they are also enjoying the benefits of their partner's size gains themselves.
However, even if your significant other would be fine with you enlarging your penis, there is still something intimately personal about a man's journey to get bigger.
One of the greatest universal insecurities that all men face is their masculinity and sexuality being questioned or judged. Enlarging our penises and improving our confidence and self esteem is about more than just our partners enjoying it - it's about us men feeling content with ourselves.
That's why many men prefer to hide their penis pumps and enlarge their penises in private. And with lockable tool boxes, desk drawers and cabinets, it's easy, affordable, and inconspicuous to do so.
Happy pumping!